
Support for Stonewall crumbles after Cass review

A decade ago, as same-sex marriage became legal, Stonewall was riding high.

Lauded for its key role in pushing for equal rights and campaigning prowess, it was helping government departments and schools expand their diversity offering and become more welcoming to all.

Now, the NHS has distanced itself and other public bodies are reviewing their associations with the charity, as the fallout from a landmark report on gender identity shines a spotlight on the organisation.

Next parliament’s first decision will be whether to move out

Nigel Evans is standing in a spot he believes most other MPs do not know exists.

Nestled in the centre of the parliamentary estate, the Commons deputy speaker points out gargoyles and intricately carved flowers dotted around the gothic Cloister Court, once frequented by Henry VIII and rumoured to be where Charles I’s death warrant was signed.

“I’m probably one of the only MPs in the last few years to stand here,” he says.

‘Landslide territory’: Labour targets key by-election after Peter Bone downfall

It was 1997 when the market town of Wellingborough in Northamptonshire last changed from blue to red.

Then, on the crest of Tony’s Blair’s landslide win, Paul Stinchcombe snatched one of Labour’s most surprising victories from the Conservative Party, becoming the constituency’s MP with a majority of only 187 votes.

Now, as Sir Keir Starmer’s party ploughs resources into the seat to try and pull off a similar coup after 18 years with a Tory MP, any effort to flip Wellingborough could result in a similarly slim majority, and possibly indicate what is to come when voters go to the polls countrywide.
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